Beer: Saison de Lente
Brewed by: The Bruery, Orange County, CA
Style: Saison
ABV: 6.5%
IBUs: 35
Bottle: 750 ML [1 Pint, 9.4 fl. oz.]
Served in: Tulip or wine glass
Place of purchase: Red Carpet Wine and Spirits
Price: $9.99
Mugsy and I are excited to be back after our lengthy hiatus - and just in the nick of time to take full advantage of all the resurrection references we can muster! Seriously though, it's good to be back. Naturally, we never stopped drinking beer, we merely stopped writing about it - but both of us agreed something was missing. It's just more fun to drink when we can share the experience with YOU! So, please, grab a cold brew and join us in toasting our return!
In honor of the season (whew, just made it in on the very last day of Lent!) we thought it would be fitting to mark our "rebirth," if you will, with a California brew celebrating Springtime, revival, fertility and the sanctity of beer. We present our review of Saison de Lente!
In every proper review, your trusted husband & wife team of Beeraucrats will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.
Mugsy: Golden color. Reminds me of golden fields of wheat for some reason. Some carbonation visible when held to light. Thick, foamy head when poured, which dissipates fairly quickly.
Jugsy: Rich, golden hue - slightly opaque. Thick, frothy head takes several minutes to dissipate, leaving a thin tan head behind. No real lacing to speak of.
Mugsy: Very strong scent! I can smell it When it's just sitting on the table! Very fruity and sweet smelling; apricots and honey. Just a touch of barnyard hay funkiness in there, as well.
Jugsy: Initial aroma is that of sweet yeast and fruitiness, perhaps apricot. Pineapple, citrus and the slightest hint of floral hops are also present. This beer smells like Spring!
Mugsy: A sourness that one may sometimes expect from a saison but did not let its presence be known in the aroma. Sweet undertones are there, as well: honey is extremely prominent along with a bit of dried or jarred fruit. Not sugary, mind you. The flavors become more complex as it warms bringing the sweetness to the forefront. Begins to remind me of a bread pudding sort of flavor.
Jugsy: Just like it smells.... Yeast and sour fruit tastes hit the tongue first. Sourdough bread and bitter hops comes through next. Now, I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out whether the hops are indeed floral, as the taste is somewhat piney. Aftertaste is minimal: faint sourdough.
Mugsy: Rich and creamy. Not heavy at all but more like how I remember a meringue to be. However, does water down a little bit as it warms up. Nonetheless, very pleasant mouthfeel. Lets you know that a lot of care has gone into the creation of this brew.
Jugsy: Light yet creamy feel. Carbonation is mild but balanced well against the flavors. Leaves a slightly yeasty coating on the tongue.
Mugsy: Even with it being extra creamy this is extremely easy to drink. Just don't let it warm up too much before re-filling your glass to avoid that somewhat watery mouth-feel. And with 750 ml. at only 6.5% ABV, you could easily fill your glass several times over!
Jugsy: This is a very drinkable Saison! At 6.5% ABV, seasoned drinkers may be able to enjoy a few more than your "average Joe." This brew is light and bright in flavor and seems like the perfect way to usher in Spring!
Mugsy: Wonderful job by The Bruery. Great care has been taken to get this to be remarkably like a true Belgian Saison Ale. Perfect for Spring! Would pair well with lighter dishes, such as salads, light pastas, etc. Would be a fine accompaniment to a night-time Spring dessert during Lent. Just imagine, sitting outside in the Spring air with a light dessert & a Saison after your supper! (Hopefully not your Last Supper....)
Jugsy: I was pleasantly surprised by the Saison de Lente. Whenever I see "Saison," my mind conjures up images of a cornucopia of fruit that is starting to go off, resting in the middle of a barn. Is that weird? In any case, I'm thrilled that the words "barnyard funk" were not necessary for this review! The Saison de Lente is so light and bright in flavor that it may have resurrected the style for me altogether! It definitely feels like Spring, in the best sense. It's light, but full of delicate flavor and whimsy - if you don't believe me, just ask the little green bunnies adorning the bottle's label!
Mugsy 7.5
Jugsy 7.25
nice to see a new review!