Monday, January 18, 2010

Random Beer-Related Facts!

In our never-ending pursuit of beer, Mugsy and Jugsy often come across interesting little tidbits of beer facts and trivia.

We'll be posting some of them here from time-to-time. We hope you enjoy them!

For instance, did you know that if you collect beer bottles, you're a labeorphilist?

And, if you collect beer coasters, then you're a tegestologist?

Is there such a thing as fear of an empty beer glass?

Well, if you're a serious beer lover like Mugsy,
you may suffer from a condition known as cenosillicaphobia, the fear of an empty (beer) glass!


  1. Cute...after watching A Single Man this weekend and reading this blog, I want to go out drinking this morning....

  2. "cenosillicaphobia" This is my new favorite word!
