BUREAUCRACY [Noun] "Rule of a governing body" Includes: Systematic inefficiency, Layers of authority and delegation, Stacks of paperwork, Form over function.............................. BEERAUCRACY [Noun] "Rule of Beer" Includes: Hops, Barley, Water, Yeast............................ Join our two BEERAUCRATS, Mugsy and Jugsy, as they cut through the red-tape to discover the true essence of good beer.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Stone to Considering Brewery in Europe

Just a quick note in the midst of the Christmas hustle & bustle to share the news that Stone Brewing is considering opening up a brewery in Europe! (Mugsy and Jugsy still haven't made the trek to the San Diego brewery! Although, in all fairness, we're waiting for Santa to bring us our new digital camcorder.)
Wouldn't it be funny if we made it to Stone Brewery in Europe first? Stranger things have happened!
Stay tuned for our next Winter Brew review tomorrow....
Wouldn't it be funny if we made it to Stone Brewery in Europe first? Stranger things have happened!
Stay tuned for our next Winter Brew review tomorrow....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Rogue Santa's Private Reserve Ale
Beer: Santa's Private Reserve Ale
Brewed by: Rogue Ales, Newport, OR, USA
Bottle: 1 pint 6 fluid oz.
Type: Red Ale
ABV: 6.0%
IBU's: 44
Served in: Pint glass
Place of purchase: Beverages & More (BevMo)
Price: $5.49
"Going Rogue" is more than Sarah Palin's new autobiography - Mugsy and Jugsy are going "Rogue" for the holidays! As our two beeraucrats continue their sojourn into Winter beer reviews, it seems that a little nip of Santa's Private Reserve is just the thing to take the chill off, as everyone waits patiently for "The Man with the Bag."
In every proper review, your trusted husband & wife team of Beeraucrats will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.
Santa's Private Reserve Ale
Mugsy: Medium to dark brown in color which turns into a beautiful copper shade when held to light. Also, when held to light, beer appears extremely murky and cloudy. However, carbonation can be seen through the swampiness if you look hard enough. Thin head which quickly dissipates into a VERY thin head. Very little lacing left on the glass.
Jugsy: Brownish-red and opaque. Looks a little bit like swamp water! Frothy head disappears in seconds (couldn't even capture it on film)!
Mugsy: Sweet, roasted malts are the first scent to strike the nose. Slight aroma of caramel follows, along with just a touch of sweet yeast. The overall aroma comes off as extremely sweet. This is like a candy shop in a glass.
Jugsy: Smells Earthy, like warm honey-wheat bread. Slight caramel and toffee aromas, along with the roasted malts, seem to marry quite nicely with the piny hops scent. There's also more than a hint of sourdough. The aromas are present yet in delicate form, making them different to parse.
Mugsy: Wow. The taste is not at all what I expected after smelling it. Extremely bitter roasted (almost burnt) malts are the first thing to hit the tongue. This tastes almost like rye. Very toasty. The hops are there too, but overpowered by the malt. Aftertaste is that of dark, semi-sweet (emphasis on the "semi") chocolate. There is also kind of woodsy or bark flavor that comes in as an aftertaste.
Jugsy: Call me crazy but is there peppermint candy in this? Because it tastes like someone swirled a candy cane in my beer! Having said that, the taste is predominately roasted malts with a strong hops presence. (Chinook an Centennial according to the bottle.) I can still taste the warm honey and wheat bread in the body of this ale.
Mugsy: While this ale tastes like it would be chewy, the mouth-feel is surprisingly light and almost a little watery. Goes back extremely easily. It does leave a strong coating on the tongue, as if you've been chewing on sawdust.
Jugsy: This is a light-tasting, smooth beer with a lot of flavor (some subtle, some not-so-subtle). Not a lot of carbonation present. Leaves a very hoppy, almost piny or woodsy coating on the tongue.
Mugsy: No problem to have several of these, especially at 6.0% ABV. However, the bark-like aspect of the aftertaste might be a little off-putting, especially if seeking refreshment or just a session night with the guys and gals.
Jugsy: Very drinkable and enjoyable ale. Not only is it flavorful and not too heavy, but at 6% ABV, most of our friends could certainly handle drinking this all night.
Mugsy: Quite interesting. After getting so much sweetness from the aroma of this beer, I was completely surprised by the bitter taste. Now, don't get me wrong - I like bitter beer just as much as a sweeter brew, sometimes more so. And that wood-like aftertaste is so unique. It's quite obvious that the folks at Rogue really do care about what they brew. This beer is fairly complex and certainly not your run-of-the-mill ale or Winter ale, for that matter. However, it all comes down to the question, "would I drink this again?" And the answer is "Yes, but as a novelty." The complexity and uniqueness of flavors are a hit with me, but it's not quite balanced, with the hops being far overshadowed by the bitter malt. And the bark-like aftertaste while without a doubt different, left me kind of wanting to wash it back with something else. Would pair with bold foods like heavy barbecues or rich, dark stews.
Jugsy: I admit that I wasn't expecting much out of this beer. Maybe it was the packaging -- of Rogue's beer in general, as well as the Santa's Private Reserve. It was too cutesy for my liking and I questioned the potential quality of the brew itself. Boy was I wrong! I truly enjoyed the successful balance of flavors in this ale. The folks at Rogue got it right. Although they recommend pairing it with beef or pork, I am thoroughly enjoying on my own! Perhaps it would pair well with our X-Mas Tofurkey? What do you say, Mugsy?
Mugsy: 6.85
Jugsy: 7.50
Friday, December 18, 2009
Full Sail Wassail
Beer: Full Sail Wassail
Brewed by: Full Sail Brewing, Hood River, OR, USA
Bottle: 12 Fluid ounces
Type: Winter ale
ABV: 7%
Served in: Pint glass
Place of purchase: Trader Joe's
Price: $6.99 per six-pack
As we venture further into the holiday season, the Winter ales become all the more readily available at the local watering holes and purveyors of liquid refreshment. For this review, Jugsy and Mugsy find ourselves tasting the product of the tiny, 47 man-powered craft brewforce that is Full Sail Brewing. The Wassail, brewed with four different malts and Pacific Northwest hops promises to be a beer lover's Winter Wonderland. Season's greetings!
In every proper review, your trusted husband & wife team of Beeraucrats will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.
Full Sail Wassail
Mugsy: Deep bronze brown with slight red tones when held to light. Very thin head that dissipates to almost nothing very quickly. Leaves only a little lacing.
Jugsy: Dark brown with reddish hues. Almost no head to speak of and no visible carbonation. It looks like a tall, flat glass of Coca-Cola.
Mugsy: Strong scent of malt that includes hints of caramel, coffee and chocolate. Undertones are of slight hopppiness and a yeast that smells almost, well, like sweet cream.
Jugsy: Roasted, burnt malts and a slight smell of funky, bitter yeast. Coffee and bourbon vanilla scents are secondary. I can also detect a very light hint of peppermint candy. Smells bitter-sweet.
Mugsy: First off, the malt provides a somewhat sweet taste of raspberry preserves and roastiness of coffee. The hops provide a fair bit of bitterness but the malt is without a doubt the star in this show. Aftertaste is slightly of dark chocolate.
Jugsy: Roasted malt and bitter hops comprise the initial flavor. There may be a hint of cloves along with the funky yeast taste. Aftertaste is bitter coffee grounds with a touch of hops coating on the tongue.
Mugsy: Fairly watery going down, much more so than most seasonal ales. Very little carbonation. Does coat the tongue quite a bit, though.
Jugsy: The Wassail feels watery and thin, not at all creamy like its Winter brew compatriots. The carbonation is mild and the beer has a very light feeling overall. Goes down like water.
Mugsy: Would have no problem with a few of these even at 7% ABV, however, the slight sweetness does make it seem like it might be a little headache-inducing.
Jugsy: The beer is certainly drinkable - particularly if you hate doing dishes, as no lacing whatsoever is left behind on the glass. If you enjoy bitter beers and want a somewhat higher ABV withouth the heaviness, then this is your beer.
Mugsy: Not bad. The somewhat watery finish could be a plus if pairing with a rich holiday meal. It could also be a minus if expecting to warm up by the fire while chewing one your more typical seasonal ales. This is not a terrible beer by any means. However, after being extremely pleased by Full Sail's other brews (their Amber Ale and IPA are solid and their Pale Ale and LTD are FANTASTIC and highly recommended), I was slightly underwhelmed by their seasonal offering. I found it to be just a little bland and not very complex. I would certainly drink again, but wouldn't necessarily seek it out. Would pair with either rich entrees or lighter desserts.
Jugsy: The Wassail is decent Winter ale. It's dark and a little spicy with a hint of funk as well as a fair bit of malt and hops. The lightness certainly sets it apart from most Winter ales. The main problem with this beer is that it's just average.
Mugsy: 4.75
Jugsy: 5.0
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Affligem Noël 2009 Christmas Ale
Beer: 2009 Noël Christmas Ale
Brewed by: Affligem Brewerij, Odwijk, Belgium
Bottle: 750 ml Champagne bottle
ABV: 9%
Served in: Belgian chalice
Place of purchase: Whole Foods Supermarket
Price: $6.49 (on sale!)
As the holidays rapidly approach us (I believe that tonight is the sixth day of Hannukah; Christmas is 9 days away; Kwanzaa 10 days away and throw in any other Winter holiday you want), Mugsy & Jugsy find ourselves craving the seasonal brews. Just thinking about those Winter brews, with their Winter spices & high ABV's make us ready to curl up close to a not-so-roaring gas fire & exchange gifts & kisses. For the next few reviews, we, Mugsy & Jugsy will find ourselves, just as we have for the past 3 years, under the glow of our pink Christmas tree drinking good beer.
(You read it right. We have a lovely little, PINK Christmas tree. With black ornaments. We are fashion-forward. When everyone else starts buying pink Christmas trees, just remember who started the fad, okay?) On to our first Winter beer review...!
In every proper review, your trusted husband & wife team of Beeraucrats will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.
Affligem Noël
Mugsy: Dark brown with deep bronze tones when held to light. Lots of carbonation visible when held to light. Fairly thick, foamy head that seems like it would last well past the holidays. Lots of creamy lacing left on the glass.
Jugsy: Thick, frothy head which flattens slightly but does not disappear. Color is dark copper with gold, red and brown hues. Mild carbonation bubbles are visible.
Mugsy: Very difficult to detect in the Belgian chalice glass, however when Jugsy & I poured some in to a tulip glass, the aroma became much more pronounced. Yet, still, the aroma doesn't give itself up easily. First off, a fair bit of funky yeast. This is followed by strong scents of holiday spices like nutmeg and cinnamon.
Jugsy: Yeast and malt right at the top, followed by a spicier scent. Smells a little like bread, but not sourdough - more like sweet bread, maybe even a faint hint of fruitcake. Vanilla, pecans and dried cherries, (possibly some dried orange, too) with a touch of allspice and nutmeg. Smells like a Christmas cookie! (Note: for best smell, drink from a tulip glass - it makes all the difference!)
Mugsy: Very subtle spiciness (again nutmeg) combined with robust malt and slightly bitter hops. Very sweet aftertaste, maybe of honey and raisins combined with that of a little bit of alcohol.
Jugsy: Don't be fooled by the sweet smell. This is a dark and bitter beer. Roasted malts are the predominant flavor, followed by a citrusy grapefruit taste. There's a spice in there I didn't smell... cloves, perhaps? Definitely a sour yeast flavor as well. The aftertaste does carry a sweet bread flavor, though!
Mugsy: Incredible! I don't think I've ever had a beer this smooth & creamy. It's almost like egg nog! While it goes down a just a little watery, I still can't say enough about the creaminess. Almost like drinking an ale mixed with Irish cream liqueur. Wow!
Jugsy: Moderately creamy. Goes down very smoothly. Despite its complex flavors, the beer feels light. Carbonation and spices combine to create an unmistakable bite. Leaves a bitter, yeasty coating on the tongue.
Mugsy: While the sweetness & creaminess would lend itself to wanting to drink this all night in front of the X-mas tree, the 9% ABV says otherwise. Mind you, I haven't eaten in a good 6 hours, but after just half a glass, I'm REALLY in the holiday spirit! This one should be handled carefully.
Jugsy: I would say that the Affligem Noël is a very drinkable Winter brew. At 9% ABV, it most certainly is not a session beer, unless your "session"involves getting toasty with a loved one, at home in front of the fireplace. Luckily, that happens to be exactly my definition!
Mugsy: If Jugsy ever turned to me & said, "You know, Mugsy, I'd love to drink a glass of cinnamon raisin bread!", I'd break out the Affligem Noël Christmas Ale. For such a strong, dark ale, this beer is suprisingly delicate. This would go well with holiday treats like fruitcakes (even the Jerky Boys kind) and other sweets. Perfect for tree-trimming parties, Hannukah parties, Kwanzaa parties and "it's too cold outside, let's get warm by drinking beer" parties. Would definitely buy again. Hope the holidays are extended this year.
Jugsy: This is one of those beers that I know is good. I can smell, taste and feel the quality of both the ingredients as well as the craft that went into making it. Unfortunately, it doesn't hit my personal favorite palate notes, so it's still a little difficult to get very enthusiastic. The Noël is a wonderfully complex, yet light tasting Ale with the requisite high ABV we've come to expect of our Belgians. I be this would go amazingly well with Grandma's fruitcake! 'Wish I had some now!
Mugsy: 8.70
Jugsy: 7
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Raise a Toast to Dead Beer Brands

We're not quite at the end of the year yet... but Mugsy & Jugsy thought it would be appropriate to raise a glass to the beers that are no longer with us.
Luckily, someone beat us to the punch (and by that, we mean they did all the work - yay!!!) Click here for the list!
So please remember, the next time you drink your fancy new bottle of Craft Beer, tip a little out for the Beers who are no longer here (but always in another glass, so you can drink it later!)
*Mugsy and Jugsy do NOT condone the wasting of good beer!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Deschutes Black Butte Porter
Brewer: Deschutes Brewery, Bend, OR (USA)
Bottle: 12 fl. oz.
ABV: 5.2%
IBUs: 30
Served in: Pint glass
Place of Purchase: Silver Liquor, Sherman Oaks, CA
Price: $2 per bottle
Mugsy and Jugsy really wanted to get our hands on a Jubelale from Deschutes Brewery, but after combing through all of our local "rare find" brew stores, we still came up empty handed! Not ones to be deterred, we decided to review one of Deschutes's first beers, the Black Butte Porter!
The brewery actually gets its name from the scenic Deschutes River which winds down through central Oregon and upon whose banks the brewery was originally founded in 1988. They pride themselves on producing (and experimenting with) quality craft beers.
That's handy; since we pride ourselves on drinking and appreciating quality craft beers!
In every proper review, your trusted husband & wife team of Beeraucrats will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.
Black Butte Porter
Mugsy: They don't call this Black Butte for nothing! Color is indeed black. Can only see hints of lighter brown when held to the light. Thick, creamy, beige colored head which dissipates some but not completely. Leaves lots of thick lacing.
Jugsy: Dark brown, almost black with a medium frothy head that lasts a while. With a keen eye, you can see carbonation when held directly to the light. Sudsy lacing on the glass.
Mugsy: Strong roasted malt aroma with hints of coffee and maybe even a little licorice. Faint scent of toffee and caramel.
Jugsy: Yeast and roasted malt aromas are the first to hit the nose, followed by chocolaty malts and coffee/toffee scents. Chocolate scent intensifies as the beer warms and I think I detect a slight hint of vanilla as well.
Mugsy: Roasted malt at the forefront. Aftertaste is slightly of hops but leaves the mouth full of chocolate, specifically cacao blended with a hint of slight caramel and even some chickory.
Jugsy: Mild yeast and burnt malt flavors at first blush. There's a bitter and acidic element to the palate, something between hops and strong coffee. Aftertaste is heavy on chocolate and bitter coffee grounds.
Mugsy: While it does coat the tongue just a bit, this beer is surprisingly light going down; not anywhere near as heavy as it looks. Not a lot of carbonation present. I'm quite amazed at its lightness!
Jugsy: Initial impact seems like it's going to be creamy but this is interrupted by somewhat watery consistency and carbonation. The carbonation gives this beer a sharp, biting finish.
Mugsy: If you wanted to drink all day and had only porters from which to choose, this would be the way to go. Easy to drink; not heavy or soupy at all, like so many porters and stouts can be. And at 5.2% ABV, I'd have no problem drinking quite a few of these.
Jugsy: As porters go, Black Butte is light - yet it targets all the rich flavor notes one expects of a porter. At 5.2% ABV, this is a beer you can drink all night.
Mugsy: I'm amazed at how much flavor has been packed into such a drinkable porter. Quite complex, yet easy to throw back. Would go well with roasts, potatoes, soups -- you know, comfort food. Nice job!
Jugsy: This is a good beer, but not fantastic. I've heard a lot of good things about Deschutes Brewery, so my expectations may have been a bit high. I will certainly try some of their other beers to get a better idea of what they produce, but I probably won't be revisiting this one too often. In fact, I'm going to let Mugsy finish my beer now!
Mugsy: 7.65
Jugsy: 6
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Stone Cali-Belgique
Brewer: Stone Brewing Co., Escondido, CA (USA)
Bottle: 1 Pt. 6 fl. oz. Bomber
ABV: 6.9%
IBU: 77
Served in: Tulip glass
Place of Purchase: Beverages and More, Sherman Oaks, CA
Price: $5.49
We briefly considered shelving this review for a few more weeks so as not to have too many reviews of the same style of beer, but the Cali-Belgique IPA is a Stone Brewing Co. Limited Release for the year, and we'd hate for beer lovers to miss out on this one!
The Cali-Belgique IPA is a fresh approach to combining different IPA styles, American - or, Californian, to be more specific - and Belgian. Its unique flavor comes from the combination of Californian hops and Belgian yeast.
In an effort to pay tribute to both the French and Dutch influences in Belgium, Stone has labeled 50% of the bottles "Cali-Belgique" ("Belgique" being the French word for Belgium) and the other 50% "Cali-België" ("België" being the Dutch name for Belgium)!
In every proper review, the Beeraucrats will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.
Cali-Belgique IPA
Mugsy: Golden-red color. Definitely looks like an IPA. Thin but creamy head that leaves lacing on glass when swirled. Can see fair bit of carbonation present.
Jugsy: Golden, copper in color with a thin head which dissipates quickly. Amber when held up to the light; visible carbonation.
Mugsy: Interesting blend of IPA-like hoppiness, mixed with slight fruitiness (grapefruit) and a little bit of yeasty funk. This is exciting.
Jugsy: Aromatic hops, not flowery per se, but sweet nonetheless. Orange and vanilla scents, possibly pineapple, too. Fresh woodsy aroma of crisp Autumn air. Barley and yeast are background scents. Smells like beer candy!
Mugsy: Immediate taste is hops, though not the over-the-top hops that Stone IPA lovers (like myself) have come to know and love. This is slightly more subtle. Secondary taste is grapefruit. Aftertaste is grapefruit also, but this is where the yeast comes into play, leaving just a hint of the barnyard so commonly associated with Belgian Saison Ales. Grapefruit lingers on the tongue well after swallowed and becomes more prominent as beer warms, as does the funkiness.
Jugsy: Sophisticated bitter hops flavor bursts in your mouth. The aroma almost makes you think it's sweet. Definite pine flavoring with orange peel and hops aftertaste. Flavors play out like a well-orchestrated symphony.
Mugsy: Lots of bite on the tongue from the hops. Crisp and clean, yet to contradict here, leaves just a little bit of warm coating on the tongue and mouth, much like a Belgian Ale.
Jugsy: Creamy and rich without feeling heavy. Adequate carbonation and pleasant, hoppy tongue coating.
Mugsy: Can feel the slight beginning of what a 6.9% ABV can do, but still light enough to be a "semi-session" beer. Easy going down. Crisp and fresh.
Jugsy: At a 6.9% ABV, you might not want to drink too many of these in a row, but that aside, you will love every minute of having the Cali-Belgique in your mouth. I know I did!
Mugsy: Nice and very well balanced beer. Fairly complex. Would go quite well with spicy food like Indian or Latin. Leave it to the wonderful folks at Stone to come up with yet another complex (and quite experimental) Ale that is tasty and easy to drink. Stone continues to set the benchmark for so many other breweries and makes this beer lover happy to live in a world where Stone is readily available.
Jugsy: The minute I smelled the aroma of this brew, I wanted to dive in head-first! It felt like Christmas! And not in the sense that I was about to drink a Winter brew (which this is not) but in the sense that I felt like a kid on Christmas morning, who just knows that Santa got his letter and his dream toy is under the wrapping before him! I don't know if I can do this beer justice. Just do yourself a favor and allow X-mas to come a little early this year -- try a bottle of Stone's Cali-Belgique IPA now, before it's no longer available!
Mugsy: 7.99
Jugsy: 8.75
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