Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Abbaye D'Aulne Triple Brune

Abbaye D'Aulne Triple Brune

Brewed by: Brasserie Val De Sambre, Gozee, Belgium

Bottle: 1 pt., 9.4 fl. oz. - champagne bottle

ABV: 9.0%

Served in: Tulip glass

Place of purchase: Cost Plus World Market

Price: $5.99

OK, another beer served in a tulip glass. Why not? Mugsy and Jugsy like the Belgians!

But this one is a little different…

As you may have noticed in previous reviews, Mugsy and Jugsy often agree on the general characteristics of the beers they review. However, their views on this particular brew were so different as to cause them to question, “Are we even drinking the same beer???" Pick up a bottle and try it for yourself! You be the judge!

In every proper review, our Beeraucrats will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.

Abbaye D'Aulne Triple Brune


Mugsy: Dark, coffee brown with slight hints of red in the light. Thin head which dissipates quickly.

Jugsy: Pours dark like cola, reddish-brown when held up to the light. Medium head which dissipates somewhat, but thin head remains.


Mugsy: Strong smell of fermented fruit, like plums or prunes. Can smell the alcohol in this one. Hints of dark chocolate, as well.

Jugsy: First scent is that of strong malts, followed quickly by yeast aroma. Chocolate and oak smells detected. Faint scent of smoke and cloves - like someone is smoking a sweet pipe in the next room!


Mugsy: Spicy Winter berry and clove, mixed with more fruit; again, prunes. Aftertaste is of roasted malt, almost like a lighter and nuttier porter. Little bit of sourness and of chocolate in the aftertaste, as well.

Jugsy: Roasted or burnt malt flavor is initially overwhelming. Secondary taste is of bitter hops. The aftertaste is definitely chocolate, possibly with some coffee grounds. Yeast flavor emerges as the brew warms. There may even be a touch of citrusy spice buried underneath.


Mugsy: Lots of hops bite the tongue but don't really come through in flavor. A little watery going down.

Jugsy: Creamy and thick, almost chewy. Goes down smoothly with a moderate amount of carbonation.


Mugsy: Easy to drink and not really feeling the alcohol. Would be easy to have a few more.

Jugsy: After just a few sips, this beer already feels a bit heavy and I can certainly feel the 9% ABV - although the brew itself doesn't necessarily taste strong. I think one bottle, shared with Mugsy, is quite enough!


Mugsy: Pretty good beer. Have tasted many beers similar to this before, especially those from Eastern Europe, interestingly enough. However, this slightly more complex. Would go well with desserts, like fruit pies or fruit cakes. Not bad but would not necessarily seek out again.

Jugsy: As Belgian Abbey ales go, this is a pretty decent one. It's flavorful and complex and would be a great accompaniment to a rich, meat-based dish. It's a little heavy for my taste and I think I have a slight headache developing - - not sure if I can blame the beer, but there it is.


Mugsy: 6.50

Jugsy: 6.75

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saison Imperiale

Saison Imperiale, Belgian Farmhouse Ale

Brewed by De Proef Brouweij
Special Reserve

8.5% ABV – 11.2 Fl oz. champagne bottle

Served in a Tulip Glass

Mugsy had been craving a brew with what he called “Barnyard Funk” for a while and, like a good little wife, Jugsy wanted nothing more than to make him happy! So, when she spotted this intriguing Brewmaster’s Collection with the words “Farmhouse Ale” right there on the bottle, she snatched it up immediately!

After clearing a patch in the barn and kicking up our heels onto ready bundles of hay, Mugsy and Jugsy dusted off their Tulip glasses from last week’s review and popped the champagne style cork from the Saison Imperiale!

Ahhh. This is living!

In every proper review, the Beeraucrats will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.

Saison Imperiale, Belgian Farmhouse Ale


Mugsy: Deep brown; impossible to see through, with thick, creamy head that doesn’t ever seem to dissipate! Looks like a glass of iced tea with a beer head.
Jugsy: Deep brown and garnet in color; opaque but not cloudy, with medium, creamy head that does not dissipate quickly. Carbonation is visible.


Mugsy: Slight bit of yeasty, barnyard funk straight off. Hints of spiciness, like Cardamom and maybe a little Bergamot orange peel, but funk stands out.
Jugsy: Initial aroma is one of sweet yeast with a fruity fermentation. Scent of sourdough with just a hint of malts. Apples, pears and mellow citrus are present. The fruity funk lingers throughout.


Mugsy: Slightly spicy, like a winter brew. Cinnamon and Molasses mix with hints of over-ripe fruit, like oranges. Also, hops are prevalent here, more so than most Belgian Ales of this type. However, the maltiness, yeast, fruit and spice overpower. Aftertaste is of Bergamot orange peel.
Jugsy: Very lightly roasted malts with a secondary yeast flavor. Delicate hops flavor provides a bitter middle-note. Spicy citrus and apple taste intertwine with a slightly bitter aftertaste. There seems to be coffee in there somewhere, too!


Mugsy: Is this where I should mention the creamy moustache I got with my first drink? This Ale is spicy on the tongue, as I mentioned before, similar to winter brews. Goes down with a smooth, creamy finish.
Jugsy: Feels creamy and rich as it goes down. The flavors fan out smoothly across the palate. Briefly biting carbonation appears then disappears, leaving the tongue coated with mildly bitter funk.


Mugsy: Goes down easy! Not heavy at all. I began to feel the 8.5% ABV P.D.Q.! Got that warm, fuzzy feeling all over and a little bit of a flushed face. This would be a great breakfast beer on a cold, winter day. Then another at 11 a.m. and one more for lunch….
Jugsy: The Saison Imperiale is complex but doesn’t taste like a heavy beer. Due to its 8.5% ABV, I wouldn’t recommend this as a session beer, but it’s great on its own. I have to agree with Mugsy, I certainly felt the effects of alcohol very quickly!


Mugsy: Nice beer. Just complex enough to know that the brewers care about what they do. Would be happy to drink again.
Jugsy: Thoroughly enjoyable brew. The combination of flavors is fresh and surprising. I get the feeling this is a cold weather drink that warms one after a hard day’s work on the farm (or at the office?). This beer is meant to be savored.


Mugsy: 7.65

Jugsy: 8.3

[This beer was purchased at BevMo for $9.49.]

Friday, October 9, 2009

Stone Ruination IPA

Beer: Stone Ruination IPA

Brewer: Stone Brewing Company, Escondido, CA USA

ABV: 7.7%

Type: American IPA

Bottle: 1 Pt. 6 Fl oz. bottle / Bomber

IBUs: 100+

Served in: Tulip Glass

Place of Purchase: Beverages and More (BevMo)

Price: $5.99

Just in time for Halloween, Mugsy and Jugsy bring you… Ruination! At a staggering 100+ IBUs [International Bitterness Units], this brew is not for the faint at heart. And, there’s no getting around the menacing demon staring down at you from the bottle, just daring you to take it all in!

The bottle is as interesting to look at as it is to read. (Stone Brewing Co. rarely disappoints in this regard!) Ruination IPA warns: “If you are not already a confirmed hophead … this is NOT the place to start.”

Mugsy? Check.

Jugsy? Check.

Let’s begin!

In every proper review, we will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.

Stone Ruination IPA


Mugsy: Reddish brown, almost copper colored with average size heat that dissipates fairly quickly. Can see fair amount of carbonation.

Jugsy: Golden / red, copper color with medium head which dissipates quickly, light enough in color to see carbonation bubbles rising.


Mugsy: Strong, biting hops attack the nose instantly. Hidden in the background are faint scents of honey & fruit – possibly pineapple. Very slight bit of yeasty funkiness becomes discernible later on.

Jugsy: Sweet, fragrance of flowery hops with very mild yeast undertones. Fruity pineapple and apricot scent, almost smells like sweet bread!


Mugsy: Extremely hoppy and bitter as the 100+ IBU rating would imply. These are not floral hops. Tastes as if it is dry-hopped, perhaps. Aftertaste is hoppy as well; almost soapy.

Jugsy: Immediate taste is bitter and soapy; flowery hops. Mid-notes include a sweet and lightly funky yeast flavor alongside the full-bodied hops. Leaves a distinctly bitter yet pleasant aftertaste.


Mugsy: Fair bit of carbonation present, but not overwhelming. Feel is surprisingly light for such a strong taste. Not heavy at all. Goes down like a Pilsener more than an Ale.

Jugsy: Smooth and creamy with a perfect amount of carbonation.


Mugsy: The extreme hoppiness is fantastic, but by the same token, does not lend itself to being a session beer. Would go well with spicy or rich foods, like curry.

Jugsy: At a 7.7% ABV, this isn’t the type of brew one can throw back in mass quantities. However, even at 100+ IBU, Stone Ruination IPA is light and bursting with hoppy flavor. This is a beer which deserves to be savored.


Mugsy: Great IPA, but not very complex. Not that an IPA should be overly complex, but maybe just a little more than bitter. However, if you love hops, this is for you -- as the bottle states, this IPA is all about the “Glorious Hops.”

Jugsy: From the moment I smelled its alluring, hoppy aroma, I was dying to taste the Ruination. It certainly did not disappoint! This is one of the finest IPA’s I have ever sampled. The balance of aroma and flavors sets this IPA apart from the competition.


Mugsy: 7.0

Jugsy: 9.0

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hoptober Golden Ale

Hoptober Golden Ale

New Belgium Brewing Company

6% ABV - 12 fl oz. bottle

40 IBU

Served in a Pint Glass

Staying with the Oktoberfest theme from last week, Mugsy and Jugsy decided to review another season-appropriate brew. With a name like “Hoptober” this beer was just begging to be sampled, savored – and naturally, reviewed! At a relatively high 40 IBU [International Bitterness Units] Mugsy and Jugsy couldn’t wait to whet their palates with all the Hoppy goodness this beer promised to deliver!

Let the Hoppiness begin! (Jugsy couldn’t resist that one.)

In every proper review, we will examine the Appearance, Aroma, Taste, Mouth-Feel, Drinkability and Overall Rating of the Beer and arrive at a Total Score from 1 to 10.

Hoptober Golden Ale


Mugsy: Deep golden color, with a thin-ish head; lots of carbonation visible.

Jugsy: Golden, deep amber color with slight reddish tones, medium head (most of which dissipates rapidly), visibly carbonated; leaves lacing on glass.


Mugsy: Intense flower hops immediately singe the nose hairs. Smells almost like a West Coast IPA.

Jugsy: Immediate smell is one of flowery hops; noticeable orange undertones with a hint of Vanilla; sweet, inviting scent.


Mugsy: Very hoppy, but not quite as hoppy as the aroma indicates. Definitely bitter, but not like an IPA; slight aftertaste of orange peel, lemon. I can’t help but take a big whiff of hops with every gulp!

Jugsy: Soapy, flowery taste of hops; secondary citrus flavors with a hint of nutmeg and possibly something spicier. It has a pleasant, bitter finish with strong hops aftertaste.


Mugsy: The 40 IBU rating is apparent as the hops bite the tongue. Goes down very clean and crisp. More like a Pilsner rather than an Ale, but not quite as carbonated.

Jugsy: Slightly watery, more than moderately carbonated; crisp and light.


Mugsy: Would be very easy to throw these back on a hot day and be loaded before you knew it! The Pilsner-like quality makes it not heavy as an Ale and very drinkable.

Jugsy: Very drinkable – light and refreshing, yet flavorful enough to be enjoyably consumed as a good session beer.


Mugsy: Good beer. Not overly complex but would be a great beer to drink with friends or with a sandwich (or other light food). Would definitely drink this again!

Jugsy: I’m a big fan of the flowery hop taste. At 40 IBU, Hoptober has a good ratio of bitterness to overall flavor. While I did enjoy this beer, I can’t help but feel that something was missing! It left me wanting just a little more. Having said that, I wouldn’t turn down a tall, cold glass anytime soon!


Mugsy: 6.5

Jugsy: 7.25